Unrank BinTree

List and Unrank for Binary Trees of a Given Number of Internal Nodes

  • Trees are represented by tuple.
  • The empty tree is represented by None
def listTree(n): if n == 0: return [None] else: res = [] for i in range(n): for g in listTree(i): for d in listTree(n-1-i): res.append((g,d)) return res 
for t in listTree(3): print t 
(None, (None, (None, None)))
(None, ((None, None), None))
((None, None), (None, None))
((None, (None, None)), None)
(((None, None), None), None)

Catalan numbers (slow algorithm, cached)

@cached_function def catalan(n): print "Calcul de catalan(%i)"%n if n == 0: return 1 else: return sum(catalan(i)*catalan(n-1-i) for i in range(n)) 
[catalan(i) for i in range(10)] 
[1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862]

Unrank using cached Catalan

def unrankTree(n, i): if i >= catalan(n): raise ValueError, (n, i) elif n == 0: return None else: ng = 0 while i >= catalan(ng) * catalan(n-1-ng): i -= catalan(ng) * catalan(n-1-ng) ng += 1 ig = i // catalan(n-1-ng) id = i % catalan(n-1-ng) return (unrankTree(ng, ig), unrankTree(n-1-ng, id)) 
N=10 l = [unrankTree(N, i) for i in range(catalan(N))] l == listTree(N) 
N =100 
c = catalan(100) 
h = randint(0, c); h 
unrankTree(N, h) 
((((None, None), None), (((None, (None, (None, ((None, (((None,
None), None), (None, (None, (None, None))))), ((None, (None, None)),
((None, None), ((((None, (((None, None), None), None)), (((None,
None), ((None, None), (((((((None, (None, None)), None), None),
(None, None)), None), (((((((None, ((None, None), None)), (None,
None)), (None, (None, None))), None), None), None), None)), (None,
(((((None, (((None, None), None), (((None, None), None), (None,
(None, (None, None)))))), ((None, None), None)), None), None),
(None, (None, (((((None, ((None, None), None)), (None, (((None,
None), (None, ((None, (None, None)), (None, None)))), ((None, None),
((None, None), None))))), None), None), ((None, None),
None))))))))), None)), (None, None)), None))))))), ((None, (None,
None)), None)), None)), None)
def prof(tr): if tr is None: return 0 else: return 1+max(prof(tr[0]), prof(tr[1])) 
prof(unrankTree(N, h))